How to transfer credit through myXL app : PressRelease

How to transfer XL credit now usingpersonal smartphones

XL credit transfers can now use a user’s personal smartphone so tid ak wonder if XL providers make it easier for users to share credit in an emergency.

Accordingly, the provider provides features for credit to fellow users. However, the provider also sets the terms of use of the credit transfer feature. If you do not meet the requirements set by the provider to use the credit transfer feature, then the request cannot be processed further.

Therefore, make sure you have met applicable terms and conditions in order to be able to use the feature for credit to fellow XL users. If there are complaints or disruptions when sending credit to xl partner users, then you can contact the call center service provided by the provider directly to respond to complaints immediately.

Terms of Use of the XL Credit Transfer Feature

In fact, XL credit transfers can now be directly from personal smartphones, in fact this feature for credit can be done anytime, anywhere, however, there are some requirements that must be obeyed and obeyed by users.

So tid ak wonders if many XL provider users realize that the reason for the failure of this credit transfer is because they do not comply with the specified terms and conditions so, you need to know what requirements are able to use this feature including the following:

  1. There are minimum limits on credit delivery

The first condition is that the sender must leave a minimum credit balance of Rp. 5,000. If the balance remains below the minimum, the provider will reject the request submitted by the sender.


  1. Minimum credit transferred

The second condition is that there is a minimum limit on a transaction for credit. XL is one of the providers that enforces the lowest minimum credit rule. If another provider sets a minimum credit transferred from Rp. 5,000, in this XL the minimum credit transferred is Rp. 1,000. And XL credit transfers can now be cheaper than other rival providers.


  1. Credit Transfer Fee

The third condition is that the sender will receive a credit transfer fee between users amounting to Rp. 500 per transaction. In addition, there is a maximum request limit for such features. You can only submit 5x requests in one day, and the maximum credit balance sent around Rp. is 1,000,000.


  1. Active Period XL Card User

The fourth condition is that the active period of the sender’s XL card must be active for at least the next 30 days. In addition, the starter package used by this transmitter has been in use for at least 180 days.


Method of transferring XL credit via SMS

Did you know that XL credit transfers can now use the SMS or SMS method. this method is considered the easiest and is guaranteed to be 100% successful if you comply with the requirements set by the party.


First, enter the SMS menu. Then, write the format for XL credit by typing BAGI (space) destination number (space) nominal validity transferred. Then send the SMS format to 168. Then there will be an SMS that confirms the credit transfer. Then press Y to continue. Wait a while for the emergency credit to be transferred to the recipient’s phone number.


XL Credit Transfer Method via USSD Call

The method for XL validation can also be called USSD. This method is also easy and practical for those of you who want to share credentials with fellow XL users. How to use this method is quite simple.


You just need to open the call menu, then dial *123*168# and press Call. After that, enter the XL number that the emergency credit will be transferred from you. Then enter the nominal amount of transferred credit.


Wait for a verification code to appear for validity. If the code has appeared, enter the verification code and press Press. And the XL credit transfer process can now receive notification if the transaction is declared successful.


How to transfer credit via XL website

The official Xl website is also one of the outlets to share credentials with fellow users. Maybe, this method is a bit complicated because you need to enter the XL website first. However, this is one of the safest ways because the official XL website cannot be breached by hackers. This method is also very easy.


First, please access the official XL website in Then select the option to share or transfer credit. Enter the phone number you want. Then enter the name that will be moved to the credit recipient number. Wait a while to get an SMS with the verification code. Enter the code. Then send the kick.


How to transfer credit through myXL app

XL credit transfers can now be made through the MyXL app. Apparently, the MyXL app is not only used to check and top-up internet credit and data quotas, however, this app from XL is also useful for crediting to fellow XL provider users this method is easier and safer as well.


First, please download and install the MyXL app through the Google Play Store (Android phone) or app store (iOs Phone). Then, enter your XL number for the account registration process.


On the Request page, please find the Credit Transfer menu. Then an electronic form screen will appear for credit. Enter the destination phone number along with the nominal amount of credit transferred.


After that, you will get a token code sent via SMS. Enter the code and send statistics. Wait a moment for the credit you send to enter the destination number. Therefore, XL credit transfers can now be said to be easier,  more practical, and faster.


What if the XL credit transfer process is announced that it fails to be sent?

Sometimes the process of this validation experiences problems that cause transmission failure. This is actually quite frustrating, because the recipient needs emergency credit for something.


If the XL credit transfer process declares a failure, then you should contact customer service immediately. Xl credit transfer failures can now contact the call center directly so that you can be  helped by the cause the call center service provided by the xl provider is quite a lot of choice and is active 24 hours full.


You can contact XL call center services via interactive phone, social media, and digital apps. For XL call center services via interactive phone, you can call 817. This XL call center is active by phone for a full 24 hours.


In addition, you can complain via social media on @myXLCare (Twitter) or @myXL (Facebook Fanpages). Then, you can also complain via the MyXL app. Because, the app  is provided with a live chat feature so, the XL credit transfer failure  can now contact  the call center directly  from the MyXL app.


Credit Xl is a feature of receiving “emergency” credit from fellow users. This feature is quite easy and anyone can use it, as long as it complies with applicable terms and conditions. XL 4 provider provides credit transfer method. And to monitor credit status, the XL credit transfer process  can now be checked directly through  the MyXL website or app.

